
JCR Committee

The Queens’ College Junior Combination Room (JCR), a.k.a QJCR, is the union of undergraduate students at Queens’ College, Cambridge. It is led by the JCR Committee, elected to collate and express the views of JCR members and enhance the community with social events, welfare initiatives and more, all in accordance with the constitution and policy of the JCR.

Meet the JCR Committee 2023-2024

Anna Fitzpatrick

Anna Fitzpatrick she/her


Hiya everyone 😎 I’m Anna, a second year chemical engineer from Tonbridge and also your JCR President! As President, I reside over our wonderful JCR committee, both keeping them in order and supporting them in any initiatives they want to focus on in college. I represent the undergraduate student body to a whole plethora of committees, and would love to hear from anyone, any tiny thing they want to bring up! I also help coordinate larger scale events like Freshers’ week with the Freps and collaborating with the MCR I love to fill my time (perhaps unwittingly) with as many activities as I can, so can be found anywhere from the cox seat in Peterhouse W2 to shooting clay pigeons in a distant field! I’m also partial to a lounge on my lovely carpeted staircase landing, or studying furiously in the library. My emails (af760), messages and instagram are open for any suggestions or feedback so please do get in touch 🙂

Abby Hallett

Abby Hallett they/she


Hi everyone! I’m Abby, a 2nd year Classics student and this year’s JCR Vice President. My job as VP is to help represent the views of Queens’ students to the college and to the university as a whole, as I sit on various committees both in college and represent Queens’ JCR at the Student Union, but most importantly, my job is to make sure that your experience at Queens’ is as fantastic as it can be! When I’m not doing JCR work, I can be found quizzing, playing football, or just chilling on the landing of my staircase. If you have any questions or things you want improving in college, feel free to message me via email, social media, or just catch me out and about in college!

Evie Burr

Evie Burr she/her


Hi! I’m Evie, and I’m a second year from Essex studying HSPS. My role involves all sorts of admin and organisational stuff for the JCR, as well as being in charge of the weekly JCR newsletter. I’m really proud to be a part of such a wonderful, hardworking committee this year! If you have any submissions or suggestions for the newsletter and beyond then you can email me, or find me in QCafé, whose food and hot chocolates will always have my heart.

Charlotte Evans

Charlotte Evans she/her


Catherine Kirkland

Catherine Kirkland she/her

QEnts President

Hi I’m Cath and I’m your new QEnts President, my main job is to make sure your uni social life is the best it can be within college, I’ll be planning bops, bounce and bar quizzes to name a few things. If you need anything feel free to email or message me on instagram :)

Conal Lowe

Conal Lowe they/he

Access Officer

Conall Moss

Conall Moss he/him

Accomodation and Facilities Officer

Hiya, I’m Conall, a second year compsci and your Accommodation & Facilities Officer on the JCR. My role includes helping college organise the Room Ballot at the end of the year and managing spaces around college like the JCR Room. I also go to a weekly Domus committee meeting with lots of different heads of college departments, where I can bring up problems or issues around college people have raised with me, and try to solve them with college. If you have any questions or want to raise anything, feel free to email me!

Ewan O'Mahony

Ewan O'Mahony he/him

Academics Officer

Hi! I’m Ewan, a law student from Dublin, Ireland, and I’m excited to be your Academics Officer! By liaising with staff, I help to ensure that the library keeps running smoothly, and I also represent the JCR on college Library and Teaching & Learning committees. I’ll also hopefully be organising some social activities during the year, such as debates and bar quizzes. I’m really looking forward to organising Queens’ University Challenge team in Michaelmas 2023, so stay posted for that! If you have any questions or concerns about academic matters in college, please feel free to contact me!

Gigi Pezier

Gigi Pezier she/her

Disabilities Officer

Erica Morgan

Erica Morgan she/her

Environmental Officer

Hello! I’m Erica. I’m a second year Phys NatSci from Wales and this year’s Environmental Officer at Queens’. I want to make Queens’ as sustainable as possible and I am really excited to be taking on this role. I’m looking forward to carrying on with the college’s pledge for divestment, organising Green week as well as other small initiatives within Queens’. If you have any ideas or questions please drop me an email!

Paige McAvoy

Paige McAvoy they/she

LGBT+ Welfare and Representative Officer

Hey I’m Paige, a first year PBS student and the LGBT+ officer. I am focused on making sure Queens’ an inclusive and welcoming community for current and prospective queer students. I am most excited to work with reps at other colleges for bigger events, but also with members from our lovely JCR for Queens’-related things. Feel free to contact me (email, WhatsApp, Instagram it doesn’t matter) if you have any welfare concerns, LGBT+ issues you would like raised, or just fun event ideas. I am very friendly, almost always in my room and love having a reason to avoid doing an essay! :)

Aliyah Irabor-York

Aliyah Irabor-York she/her

People of Colour Representative Officer

Max Krefting

Max Krefting he/him

Sports and Societies Officer

Hi guys, I’m Max, an Engineer, and I am excited to be your Sports & Societies Officer. I am a big sports and societies fan, currently rowing with QCBC, running on the side, and getting involved with the Cambridge Union and sustainability-related societies. What we do outside of our course is what makes us all different and I would encourage everyone to get involved in as much as they can! I am aiming to deliver a more transparent system for you to check out what related opportunities there are at Queens’, primarily through the website, and encouraging weekly updates and success stories to be sent in for the JCR newsletter. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, I am always around Queens’ for a chat!

Alex Maltby

Alex Maltby he/him


Hi! I’m Alex, a first year geographer and JCR Steward. I eat pretty much every meal in the Buttery, so I have a pretty vested interest in making sure catering is as functional and accessible as possible. I’m hoping to make catering throughout Buttery, Qcafe, and Qbar run as well as it possibly can and would love to hear your suggestions! Also follow @buttermeupqueen on instagram!

Lizzie Catherine

Lizzie Catherine she/her

Female and Non-Binary Welfare Officer

Hello, I’m Lizzie, a second year law student from Norfolk, and I’m taking on the role of Welfare Officer alongside Toby this year! I’m a lover of cats, procrastinating my law degree by binging Netflix series’, and antagonising my flatmates with constant singing. I’m excited to be in this role because I have a lived experience of mental health problems and disability, which motivates me to work hard to make welfare a priority at Queens’. Cambridge is tough, and at times feelings of loneliness and stress can become overwhelming: the role of the welfare officers is to open up spaces where students can come to socialise, take a break from work, and discuss their anxieties. I aim to work alongside Toby to bring you lots of chill events, hopefully with some furry friends joining too! Reach out to me through my email (ed592) or through Instagram (@queensjcr_welfare or @lizzi3bethx) to have a chat about welfare: I’m friendly and easy to talk to, and if need be I can direct you to another person or resource to support you. Alternatively, if you’re feeling stressed, reach out to me to have a coffee in a cafe or to go on a walk - we could even take the beautiful Tally with us!

Toby Nee

Toby Nee he/him

Male and Non-Binary Welfare Officer

Hi there, I’m Toby, and I’m one of your welfare officers this year, working alongside Lizzie! I’m a law student from Essex, and most of my time at Queens’ is spent either heavily procrastinating or rowing (these are potentially one and the same thing). One of my key aims as part of your JCR welfare team is to ensure that every student is comfortable with and informed about the support which is available to them. As well as this, Lizzie and I will be organising lots of events, resources and maybe even giveaways (keep your eyes peeled!) to help everyone get through their terms. I’m always available through my email (tn364) or on Instagram (@toby.nee or @queensjcr_welfare) so please do reach out to me (or Lizzie) if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions! I’m really looking forward to working with everyone to make Queens’ an even better place to live.

Eve Maylor

Eve Maylor she/her

Women and Non-Binary Officer

Lukasi Gutteridge

Lukasi Gutteridge he/him

Class Act Officer

Hi, I’m Lukasi, Queens’ first Class Act Officer! I’m from Essex/London and am a first-year Geographer. My role focuses on state-school and/or low-income issues, especially to do with stopping imposter syndrome, helping Queens’ battle with the current cost of living crisis and creating an environment where class and income is not a taboo. Any questions about Geography, non-traditional routes/experiences to/at Cambridge then send me a message!

Salomé Sivignon

Salomé Sivignon she/her

Internationals Officer

Hi! I’m Salomé, a first year HSPS student from Paris, and I’ll be your Internationals Officer this year. I want to focus on making Queens’ as welcoming and homely as possible for our international students to have the best time at university. I plan on organizing events for people from all countries to bond and share their respective cultures! It’s also very important to me that Queens’ be a space where all can celebrate their national holidays and find their community within college. My role also includes organizing the storage space over summer to facilitate each and everyone’s experience of living abroad. If you have any questions about life in another country, fitting in, or culture differences, feel free to contact me!

Saanya Verma

Saanya Verma she/her

First Year Representative

Hi, I’m Saanya. I’m a maths student from London, and I’m going to be one of your freshers reps alongside Noah this year. Noah and I will be working to organise your Freshers Week and introduce you all to the Queens’ community. I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone and making sure you guys have a great start of uni! Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Noah Chamberlain

Noah Chamberlain he/him

First Year Representative

Hiya. I’m Noah, a first year ASNAC from London, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as one of your Freshers’ Reps for this year. Alongside my fellow frep, Saanya, we will be working hard to ensure that everyone unforgettable fresher’s experience come next academic year. We have already started planning some exciting events and activities for Fresher’s Week, and we cannot wait to share them with you all. As your freps, we are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have before and during your transition to university life. So, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email or social media, or simply catch us around college. We understand that starting university can be overwhelming, but we are here to help make this journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible for you all.

Heramb Modugula

Heramb Modugula he/him

External Accommodation Officer

Patrick Reader

Patrick Reader he/him

Computer Officer

Hello, I’m Patrick, a first year compsci, and I’m the JCR computer officer. I’m in charge of the JCR website, and I’m working on making all the IT systems in college work better in general. If you have any suggestions for either, no matter how small or large, use the JCR feedback form and I’ll get on it!