
Queens’ College JCR demands that Queens’ is a place of equal opportunity for students, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability or nationality.

Female & Non-Binary Students


International Students


Students Identifying as Minority Ethnic


LGBT+ Students

University is a great time to explore your identity, and for many students leaving home for the first time it marks an important step in the journey of understanding their sexuality and gender. At Queens’, as well as at the University more widely, all students are free to express their gender and sexuality how they wish without fear of discrimination. Should this be compromised at any time during your time at Cambridge then there are numerous routes you can take- all of which are totally confidential.

  • If the issue is a more personal matter (ie. fear of coming out, uncertainty around identity) then you are encouraged to talk to the LGBT+ Officer, the welfare and counselling services at Queens’, or use one of the hotlines linked under ‘resources’.
  • If there is a problem with bullying amongst students, then you should speak to the LGBT+ Officer or member of the JCR, the welfare services at Queens’ or the Dean.
  • Finally, if in the rare case there is a problem with a member of staff then you can talk to the LGBT+ Officer, the VPE, the Welfare services at Queens’, your faculty administrator or CUSU.

This list is neither definitive nor exhaustive, merely a guide. So, if in any doubt contact the LGBT+ Officer, who will have the knowledge and resources to point you in the right direction. They can be contacted at jcr-lgbtq@queens.cam.ac.uk


Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds


General Resources

More content to come.